Low back pain is a major cause of disability with 25% of Australians having low back pain at any one time. Pelvic girdle pain is a specific form of lower back pain that can occur separately or in conjunction with lower back pain and is especially common in the pregnancy or postnatal period.

Pelvic girdle pain includes both pubic bone pain (Pubic Symphysis Pain) and sacroiliac joint pain. Did you know that pelvic girdle pain is more common in women, and that by the end of third trimester 60% of pregnant women will have Pelvic girdle or back pain? The good news is treatment with a specialised health professional can provide significant relief.

The pelvis is a bony link between the lumbar spine and lower limbs which functions to transmit forces between the spine and lower limbs, providing attachment for 35 muscles and protection of  the pelvic organs. The pelvic joints are referred to as the pubic symphysis at the front, and the two sacroiliac joints at the back.

The lower back (lumbar spine) consists of five vertebral bones, an intervertebral discs between each one and muscles and ligaments attached to provide stability to the spine. Deep within the spinal canal sits the spinal cord and nerves responsible for the movement and sensation in the entire body. Any of these structures can cause pain, with common dysfunctions including irritation to the spinal nerves, joint hypomobility or hypermobility, discs injury, ligaments or muscle strain.



Our approach is always to identify what is causing the problem rather than simply treat the symptoms. Treatment techniques used may then include:

  • Assessment of whole body biomechanics to assess for any potential drivers form the limbs or thorax (connect therapy/ISM model)

  • Muscle Energy Techniques (MET) of the lumbar spine, pelvis, thorax

  • Soft tissue massage to relax tight or overactive muscles

  • Joint mobilisation to improve hypomobile (stiff) joints

  • Dry needling

  • Exercise rehabilitation using RTUS for biofeedback

  • Exercise rehabilitation based on functional exercise prescription and clinical pilates

  • Nerve gliding techniques to address any neural irritation

  • Postural advice and correction

  • Taping

  • Lifestyle advice including any activity modifications

  • Prescription of supports and fascial release aids where required




The causes of LBP and PGP are varied, common contributing factors include:

  • Non optimal posture or sustained positions

  • Sedentary lifestyle

  • Incorrect lifting technique

  • High BMI or obesity

  • Stress

  • Pregnancy

  • Birth

  • Spinal tumor